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Tindersticks med nytt album i oktober. Se video fra innspillingen i Abbey Road Studios



Etter 21 år har Tindersticks ni studioalbum. I 2012 slapp de  The Something Rain, et album som mange hadde sans for. Og nå har Tindersticks fått ny bensin på bålet etter nesten-kollapsen pga. mangeårig mental slitasje. 

Nå rekapitulerer Tindersticks med et album med nye versjoner av låter fra sin rikholdige katalog, innspilt i Abbey Road Studios 6 i løpet fire dager med Stuart A. Staples som produsent. Resultatet er et album med navnet Across Six Leap Years som Tindersticks-medlemmet David Boulter beskriver på følgende måte:

«Walking up to Abbey Road, it could easily have overcome us. But it had nothing to do with its past. We weren’t there to take photos on the crossing. I didn’t think about playing the Lady Madonna piano. I’d like to say it was just another studio, but sadly, that’s not true anymore. It’s one of the only studios of its kind left. And it wasn’t about our past either. These songs feel like cover versions. Someone else’s music we feel we had something new to bring to. Abbey Road could have been a big slap on the back. Or a big punch in the face. But it felt natural. It’s where we should be. It’s important that we got here and to give ourselves some credit. It’s also important to give these songs a new life.»

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